
Happiness is a warm puppy. ― Charles M. Schulz

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Happiness is a good business these days, more you talk crap about happiness the large number of crowd you will gather. ― Santosh Kalwar
Learn from the past, prepare for the future, live in the present.
Happiness is spiritual, born of truth and love. It is unselfish; therefore it cannot exist alone, but requires all mankind to share it. ― mary baker eddy
The safest way of not being very miserable is not to expect to be very happy.
At the end of the day, the key to happiness is taking ultimate responsibility for your reactions to all of your experiences - the good and the chaotic.
Until you have learned to be tolerant with those who do not always agree with you; until you have cultivated the habit of saying some kind word of those whom you do not admire; until you have formed the habit of looking for the good instead of the bad there is in others, you will be neither successful nor happy.
Happiness is not only a hope, but also in some strange manner a memory ... we are all kings in exile. ― G.K. Chesterton
It's so hard to forget pain, but it's even harder to remember sweetness. We have no scar to show for happiness. We learn so little from peace. ― Chuck Palahniuk
One of the keys to happiness is a bad memory. — Rita Mae Brown
The Four Conditions of Happiness: Life in the open air, Love for another being, Freedom from ambition,Creation.