
You’ve gotta dance like there’s nobody watching, Love like you’ll never be hurt, Sing like there’s nobody listening, And live like it’s heaven on earth. ― William W. Purkey

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It is never too late to be what you might have been. — George Eliot
Your talent determines what you can do. Your motivation determines how much you’re willing to do. Your attitude determines how well you do it. — Lou Holtz
Go out in the world and work like money doesn't matter, sing as if no one is listening, love as if you have never been hurt, and dance as if no one is watching.
Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will. – Suzy Kassem
When life takes the wind out of your sails, it is to test you at the oars. - Robert Breault
Wake up, Shake up, Make up and Break up; life is all about moving like ant in search of sugar not sand. ― Santosh Kalwar
The stupid neither forgive nor forget; the naive forgive and forget; the wise forgive but do not forget. ― Thomas Szasz
Sing like no one’s listening, love like you’ve never been hurt, dance like nobody’s watching, and live like it’s heaven on earth. – (Attributed to various sources)
To bring about change, you must not be afraid to take the first step. We will fail when we fail to try. — Rosa Parks
We gotta break these double-standards and get women to loosen up a bit. We gotta show them that we can do what we want to do how we want to do it. If someone doesn't like it, they can get to stepping. Megan Thee Stallion