
God meets our needs one day at a time. — Max Lucado

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This means that at earlier times objects would have been closer together. In fact, it seemed that there was a time, about ten or twenty thousand million years ago, when they were all at exactly the same place and when, therefore, the density of the universe was infinite.
Men must be governed by God or they will be ruled by tyrants.
Patience is tied very closely to faith in our Heavenly Father. Actually, when we are unduly impatient, we are suggesting that we know what is best—better than does God. Or, at least, we are asserting that our timetable is better than His. We can grow in faith only if we are willing to wait patiently for God's purposes and patterns to unfold in our lives, on His timetable.
There are some feelings time cannot benumb, Nor torture shake.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. — Will Durant
Writing is my dream. From romance to dragons; fairies to fantasy worlds, this is where I live and play. Thanks be to God! ― Lisa Hannah Wells
It is my feeling that Time ripens all things; with Time all things are revealed; Time is the father of truth.
It is dangerous to be right in matters where established men are wrong. - Voltaire
Time is what we want most, but what we use worst.
The true foundation of theology is to ascertain the character of God. It is by the aid of Statistics that law in the social sphere can be ascertained and codified, and certain aspects of the character of God thereby revealed. The study of statistics is thus a religious service.