
Destiny is a name often given in retrospect to choices that had dramatic consequences. — J. K. Rowling

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You'd be amazed...at how few men have any women they can call upon to speak up for them, no matter how grave the consequences of remaining silent. ― Pearl Cleage
Our first journey is to find that special place for us.
When we do the best that we can, we never know what miracle is wrought in our life, or in the life of another. — Helen Keller
I raise up my voice-not so I can shout but so that those without a voice can be heard...we cannot succeed when half of us are held back. — Malala Yousafzai
Letting go means to come to the realization that some people are a part of your history, but not a part of your destiny. ― Steve Maraboli
My mindset was controlling my destiny. ― David Goggins
What people commonly call fate is mostly their own stupidity
The whole secret of a successful life is to find out what is one’s destiny to do, and then do it. – Henry Ford
The woman who follows the crowd will usually believe that I said this. — Albert Einstein
I've come to believe that each of us has a personal calling that's as unique as a fingerprint - and that the best way to succeed is to discover what you love and then find a way to offer it to others in the form of service, working hard, and also allowing the energy of the universe to lead you. — Oprah Winfrey