
I've heard of Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. But I've never heard of Someday. _

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I had my life Monday through Friday in school, and then I had my 'real life,' which was my acting class on Saturday. — Gillian Jacobs
I suppose everybody has a mental picture of the days of the week, some seeing them as a circle, some as an endless line, and others again, for all I know, as triangles and cubes. Mine is a wavy line proceeding to infinity, dipping to Wednesday which is the colour of old silver dark with polishing and rising again to a pale gold Sunday. This day has a feeling in my picture of warmth and light breezes and sunshine and afternoons that stretch to infinity and mornings full of far-off bells. _ Angela Thirkell
I think the part of media that romanticizes criminal behavior, things that a person will say against women, profanity, being gangster, having multiple children with multiple men and women and not wanting to is prevalent. When you look at the majority of shows on television they placate that kind of behavior. If you go through a weekly Monday through Friday, it's all there. It's in how people on the sitcoms and cop shows talk to each other. — Bill Cosby
I think hell is something you carry around with you, not somewhere you go.
It was like trying to break up with the color orange, or Wednesday, or silent e. It was the most passionate and tumultuous relationship I'd ever known. _ Rob Sheffield
Some things may change," said Wednesday, abruptly. "People, however... People stay the same. _ Neil Gaiman
It’s Friday night and the rain is coming and I’ll find myself at some bar making some woman smile, wondering if you’d hop on the next thing moving in this direction, run in the house, throw on your chucks and play with me in the rain. ― Darnell Lamont Walker, Book of She
Monday is an awful way to spend 1/7 of your life. ― Steven Wright
They didn't want it good, they wanted it Wednesday. _ Robert A. Heinlein
Hey, I know it’s Monday. But it’s also a new day and a new week. And in that lies a new opportunity for something special to happen.— Michael Ely