
Love is a two-way street constantly under construction. — Carroll Bryant

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WWE is a space where I thrived, and I loved, and I still do. I love connecting with an audience; that is the greatest thing about going back to WWE. -Dwayne Johnson
If one truly loves nature one finds beauty everywhere.
There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind. — C. S. Lewis
When someone is in your heart, they're never truly gone. They can come back to you, even at unlikely times.
I see you everywhere, in the stars, in the river, to me you're everything that exists; the reality of everything.
Have a heart that never hardens, and a temper that never tires, and a touch that never hurts. — Charles Dickens
For you see, each day I love you more. Today more than yesterday and less than tomorrow. - Rosemonde Gerard
Love your life. That's a direct route to something people used to call "happiness". ― Clementine Holzinger
Life is short, Break the Rules. Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly. Love truly. Laugh uncontrollably And never regret ANYTHING That makes you smile. - Mark Twain
Love, say what you want, do what you can, hope for the best, and surrender the rest. ― Arne Klingenberg