
It’s important to our friends to believe that we are unreservedly frank with them, and important to the friendship that we are not. — Mignon McLaughlin

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I think acting is an important profession, because acting can give you pleasure and can teach you at the same time, and that is a good thing.
The most important trip you may take in life is meeting people halfway. — Henry Boye
It's very important to stretch, because while it's good to look pumped, a lot of the moves are split legs, and twisting fast. So you really, really have to stay supple.
Our most important problems cannot be solved; they must be outgrown.
I like friends who have independent minds because they tend to make you see problems from all angles. — Nelson Mandela
One very important aspect of art is that it makes people aware of what they know and don’t know they know... Once the breakthrough is made, there is a permanent expansion of awareness. But there is always a reaction of rage, of outrage, at the first breakthrough... So the artist, then, expands awareness. And once the breakthrough is made, this becomes part of the general awareness.
hi I hope u want to be my friends ― Judy Blume
Love is a two-way street constantly under construction. — Carroll Bryant
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other. – Abraham Lincoln
One day each of us will run out of tomorrows. Let us not put off what is important.