
Even in its darkest passages, the heart is unconquerable. It is important that the body survives, but it is more meaningful that the human spirit prevails. ― Dave Pelzer

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The seeker embarks on a journey to find what he wants and discovers, along the way, what he needs. ― Wally Lamb, The Hour I First Believed
Because, sometimes, things happen to people and they're not equipped to deal with them. ― Suzanne Collins, Catching Fire
No one is any more or any less important than you are. - Marianne Williamson
We remember the past, live in the present, and write the future. ― Shaun David Hutchinson, We Are the Ants
No one else knows exactly what the future holds for you, no one else knows what obstacles you've overcome to be where you are, so don't expect others to feel as passionate about your dreams as you do. ― Germany Kent
This is the core of the human spirit ... If we can find something to live for - if we can find some meaning to put at the center of our lives - even the worst kind of suffering becomes bearable.
I have found that if you love life. Life will love you back. ― Arthur Rubinstein
The first law of nature is self-preservation. Cut off that which may harm you. But if it is worth preserving, and is meaningful, nourish it and have no regrets. Ultimately, this is true living and love of self...from within. ― T.F. Hodge
You cannot buy the revolution. You cannot make the revolution. You can only be the revolution. It is in your spirit, or it is nowhere.
The clear awareness of having been born into a losing struggle need not lead one into despair. I do not especially like the idea that one day I shall be tapped on the shoulder and informed, not that the party is over but that it is most assuredly going on—only henceforth in my absence. (It's the second of those thoughts: the edition of the newspaper that will come out on the day after I have gone, that is the more distressing.) Much more horrible, though, would be the announcement that the party was continuing forever, and that I was forbidden to leave. Whether it was a hellishly bad party or a party that was perfectly heavenly in every respect, the moment that it became eternal and compulsory would be the precise moment that it began to pall. ― Christopher Hitchens, Hitch 22: A Memoir