
There is only the constant knowledge and enjoyment of the Heart, moment to moment, through the instant of all conditions of appearance and disappearance. Of this I am perfectly certain. I am That.

More Quotes by Adi Da
Men have only two emotions: hungry and horny. If you see him without an erection, make him a sandwich.A bargain is something you don't need at a price you can't resist.
The Truth that is to be Realized may be summarized simply as the Realization that no matter what is arising, no matter how many others are present, there is only One Being. This is precisely different from the childish but common religious notion that even when you are alone there is always Someone Else present, Who will look out for you if you do the right thing. True freedom is not a matter of striking a deal with an All-Powerful Parental Deity; no such God exists. True freedom is in the Realization that there is only God and You are That One.
Remembering the Mystery is a way of being everything you always already are.
Without true celebration discipline is obnoxious.
Be Consciousness (Itself)- Contemplate Consciousness (Itself)- Transcend Everything in Consciousness (Itself).
To seek Truth is to deny Truth to being with. To seek Truth is to avoid Truth, constantly.
Anybody who is not pulling his weight is probably pushing his luck.
When you're learning, you're burning - putting out a lot of heat. When you're all burned up, then you become light.
Death is utterly acceptable to consciousness and life.
Real intelligence must be fiercely capable of investigating every aspect of existence, including the very process of knowledge that we call science .