More Quotes by Giovanni Boccaccio
Mejor estaría con diablos: de siete veces seis no saben lo que ellas mismas quieren.
Human it is to have compassion on the unhappy.
Heaven would indeed be heaven if lovers were there permitted as much enjoyment as they had experienced on earth.
Do as we say, and not as we do.
They brought it to a common saying there that the most acceptable service one could render to God was to put the devil in Hell.
The scholar, as wise as he was full of wrath, knowing that threats only serve as weapons to the person so threatened, kept all his resentment within his own breast.
No-thing less splendid than a golden sepulchre would have suited so noble a heart.
Nothing is so indecent that it cannot be said to another person if the proper words are used to convey it.
it is obvious that all vices have a grievous effect on those who indulge them and often on others too. But I believe that the one which can transport us with the most unbridled haste into danger is anger. This is nothing other than a sudden thoughtless impulse, provoked by some perceived offence, which banishes reason and clouds the eyes of the mind, rousing the soul to blazing fury.
Senseless creatures, you don't see how much evil is concealed under a little good appearance.