
Nothing can be produced out of nothing.

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If you employed study, thinking, and planning time daily, you could develop and use the power that can change the course of your destiny.
I think when you put sex and spirituality in the same bottle and shake it up, bad things happen.
Bad things happen everyday but you're not going to be any happier thinking about them. So I don't think about them.
The interesting thing about grief, I think, is that it is its own size. It is not the size of you. It is its own size. And grief comes to you. You know what I mean? I’ve always liked that phrase “He was visited by grief,” because that’s really what it is. Grief is its own thing. It’s not like it’s in me and I’m going to deal with it. It’s a thing, and you have to be okay with its presence. If you try to ignore it, it will be like a wolf at your door.
Believing in yourself is the first step to accomplishing any goal. If you think you're going to fail, you probably will.
People think that tests only come in the form of hardships. Allah also tests us with ease, it's often in the test of ease that we fail most.
Tranquillity is contagious, peace is contagious. One only thinks of the contagiousness of illness, but there is the contagion of serenity and joy.
Having lost Rhett, she can always return to the land - to Tara, to soak up its strength. . . . Tara! . . . Home. I'll go home, and I'll think of some way to get him back! After all, tomorrow is another day!
He that drinks beer, thinks beer.
I think actresses are imagined to be these subjects of great vanity. Life is change; physicality changes. It's transient, and that's a beautiful and a painful thing.