
I'd thought once, actually, of taking your mind, if you asked. I'd thought I could help you fall asleep at night." He opened his mouth to say something. Shut it again. His face closed for a moment, his unreadable mask falling into place. He spoke softly. "But that wouldn't be fair; for after I slept you'd be left awake, with no one to help you sleep. ― Kristin Cashore

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Change your inner thoughts to the higher frequencies of love, harmony, kindness, peace, and joy, and you'll attract more of the same.
Each night, when I go to sleep, I die. And the next morning, when I wake up, I am reborn. ― Mahatma Gandhi
Well my gun fires seven different shades of shit, so what's your favorite color, punk? ― Gerard Way
I’m the only fire that can live in the rain
Attitude is a choice. Happiness is a choice. Optimism is a choice. Kindness is a choice. Giving is a choice. Respect is a choice. Whatever choice you make makes you. Choose wisely. ― Roy T. Bennett,
Woman of my dreams, I don’t sleep so I can’t find her
No one is more worthy of your kindness and compassion than you are.
Compassion is an act of tolerance where kindness and forgiveness reign. When we make the compassionate choice, we enhance the dignity of each individual, which is the very essence of loving them.
What on earth is modern exegesis up to? Oh, little lazy one! Some red wine and up! Off you go, brandishing your fork, stripped of Ophelia's useless ornaments, fire in your large nostrils, out to rake the muck of metaphors.
Kindness is one thing you can’t give away. It always comes back. — George Skolsky