
There is no fire like passion, there is no shark like hatred, there is no snare like folly, there is no torrent like greed. ― Siddharta Gautama

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Can he love her? Can the soul really be satisfied with such polite affections? To love is to burn - to be on fire, like Juliet or Guinevere or Eloise. ― Emma Thompson,
Fire and water looked so lovely together. It was a pity they destroyed each other by nature. ― R.F. Kuang
We are in danger of destroying ourselves by our greed and stupidity. We cannot remain looking inwards at ourselves on a small and increasingly polluted and overcrowded planet.
We risk all in being too greedy.
I arise today Through the strength of heaven: Light of sun Brilliance of moon Splendor of fire Speed of lightning Swiftness of wind Depth of sea Stability of earth Firmness of rock.
Holding onto your anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. - Buddha
There is much suffering in the world - physical, material, mental. The suffering of some can be blamed on the greed of others. The material and physical suffering is suffering from hunger, from homelessness, from all kinds of diseases. But the greatest suffering is being lonely, feeling unloved, having no one. I have come more and more to realize that it is being unwanted that is the worst disease that any human being can ever experience.
To make ideas effective, we must be able to fire them off. We must put them into action.
Sufficient to say, greed is a deadly deed. You shall not covet your neighbor's goods.
She's mad, but she's magic. There's no lie in her fire. ― Charles Bukowski