
Birthdays could be such a bummer when you were older than the country you lived in. ― Lynsay Sands

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Go into yourself and see how deep the place is from which your life flows.
My life didn't please me, so I created my life.
The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts: therefore, guard accordingly, and take care that you entertain no notions unsuitable to virtue and reasonable nature. _ Marcus Aurelius
She would smile and show no surprise, convinced as she was, the same as I, that casual meetings are apt to be just the opposite, and that people who make dates are the same kind who need lines on their writing paper, or who always squeeze up from the bottom on a tube of toothpaste.
Everything you want is on the other side of fear. - Jack Canfield
Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.
A new philosophy, a new way of life, is not given for nothing. It has to be paid dearly for and only acquired with much patience and great effort.
It seems, in fact, as though the second half of a man’s life is made up of nothing, but the habits he has accumulated during the first half.
Learn from yesterday, live for today. — Albert Einstein
You had to risk your life to get love. You had to get right to the edge of death to ever be saved. ― Chuck Palahniuk