
We are the ones we've been waiting for. — June Jordan

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Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
It’s not about standing still and becoming safe. If anybody wants to keep creating they have to be about change ― Miles Davis
Change your thoughts and you change your world.
They must often change who would be constant in happiness or wisdom.
Does money upset the hearts of learned men? He answered, "men whose hearts are changed by money are not learned
The battles that count aren't the ones for gold medals. The struggles within yourself - the invisible, inevitable battles inside all of us - that's where it's at. — Jesse Owens
Often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us. — Helen Keller
One of the great liabilities of history is that all too many people fail to remain awake through great periods of social change. Every society has its protectors of status quo and its fraternities of the indifferent who are notorious for sleeping through revolutions. Today, our very survival depends on our ability to stay awake, to adjust to new ideas, to remain vigilant and to face the challenge of change.
Because things are the way they are, things will not stay the way they are.
A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new. — Albert Einstein