
I didn't find my friends; the good Lord gave them to me. — Ralph Waldo Emerson

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We take care of our health; we lay up money; we make our roof tight, and our clothing sufficient; but who provides wisely that he shall not be wanting in the best property of all, -friends? — Ralph Waldo Emerson
Be slow to fall into friendship, but when you are in, continue firm and constant.
Share love. Share time. Share friendship. Just share. Put some love into everything you do.
Almost every man we meet requires some civility; requires to be humored; - he has some fame, some talent, some whim of religion or philanthropy in his head that is not to be questioned, and which spoils all conversation with him. But a friend is a sane man who exercises not my ingenuity, but me. — Ralph Waldo Emerson
Friendship is the shadow of the evening, which increases with the setting sun of life.
Sweet is the memory of distant friends! Like the mellow rays of the departing sun, it falls tenderly, yet sadly, on the heart.
When we seek to discover the best in others, we somehow bring out the best in ourselves.
Everyone wants to be appreciated, so if you appreciate someone, don't keep it a secret.
We read that we ought to forgive our enemies; but we do not read that we ought to forgive our friends.
I was tired of pretending that I was someone else just to get along with people, just for the sake of having friendships. ― Kurt Cobain