
Even a jewelry shop invests in a security guard. Protect your portfolio by investing in insurance, emergency fund & cyber-awareness. ― Manoj Arora

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The terms of the insurance contract and insurance policy must be within the precincts of law and not in contravention of any prevailing law or the even the principles of justice, equity, good conscience, and public policy.― Henrietta Newton Martin
A family member with no insurance is a future liability in case of an accident or when they suffer a critical illness.― David Angway
Best insurance policies are those that remain not encashed.― Sandeep Sahajpal
Christmas 2022 was a time where air travelers should have bought the optional travel insurance! ― Steven Magee
I hope they have ghost insurance.” “Pretty sure you've used that joke before,” Stacey told me. “Well, maybe Jacob hadn't heard it yet.” “I have,” Jacob said. ― J.L. Bryan
Insurance with investment is the 9th wonder of the world.― David Angway
I have never made much money, but this hasn't bothered me. I don't care what I'm paid. I have never had a shared bank account. I do not keep track of how much money is in my bank account. I am not stingy, I admire money well spent. I am not saving for my retirement. I have lived for several years without insurance.― Édouard Levé, Autoportrait
Financial advisors must provide holistic advice, not just risk management advice. If it's risk management only, they are insurance advisors.― David Angway
Insurance Policy document is the Final love Letter from a Loving Spouse! ― P. Anshu
Rebuilding of hurricane Ian damaged homes will likely be muted, as 80% of owners did not have insurance.― Steven Magee