
As the weekend whispers its farewell, let Sunday be the soothing lullaby that prepares you for the week ahead. May it bring peace, inspiration, and a heart full of gratitude.

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Learn to... be what you are, and learn to resign with a good grace all that you are not.
Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration, the rest of us just get up and go to work. ― Stephen King
It is good to love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is well done. ― Vincent Van Gogh
The beloved is already in our being, as thirst and "otherness." Being is eroticism. Inspiration is that strange voice that takes man out of himself to be every thing that he is, everything that he desires; another body, another being. Beyond, outside of me, in the green and gold thicket, among the tremulous branches, sings the unknown. It calls to me.
Happy Sunday! May your day be a mosaic of happy moments, each one adding a splash of color to your life. Good morning, and let the happiness radiate from within you.
Inspiration comes from within yourself. One has to be positive. When you’re positive, good things happen. – Deep Roy
Somewhere along the way in your life, the world and its people will have a problem with you. That's their problem. Not yours.
I'm terrible with my workout regime and following it strictly. I'm terrible with a healthy diet and following it strictly. I'm terrible on the weekends about getting up at reasonable hours and all of those things. But, when it comes to my work and the discipline it takes to get to work on time - I hate unprofessionalism.
It only seems impossible until it's done.
The flower that blooms in adversity is the rarest and most beautiful of all.