
In my songs there are no bad words, so kids can sing them, and girls can identify with singing with them, too, because it's not like a man singing reggaeton.- Karol G

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The problem in society is not kids not knowing science. The problem is adults not knowing science. They outnumber kids 5 to 1, they wield power, they write legislation. When you have scientifically illiterate adults, you have undermined the very fabric of what makes a nation wealthy and strong.
My two kids take a lot of my focus, which I'm grateful for.
I get really worried, like if they say, 'Take vocal lessons,' or something because it's kind of like I used to really love to draw when I was a kid and then I took like an art class - because everyone said, 'Oh, you're so good, you should take a class and maybe you can be really good,' and then I went to the class and then they showed me how to use a ruler and perspective and all this stuff and it totally made me not want to do it at all.
I'm just singing about my own life. Singing about all the little stories in my life and the things I've been through.
Without language, one cannot talk to people and understand them; one cannot share their hopes and aspirations, grasp their history, appreciate their poetry, or savor their songs. — Nelson Mandela
I wanna be remembered as someone who broke all the norms. -Karol G
The reason why I found acting is because my father passed away. He passed away really young. I was going to go to med school. My father's dream was that all of his kids become doctors. I realized in school I didn't like it. When he died, it was like a wake-up call. Life is too short to do something you don't want to do.
Empowerment is a word that comes with liberty.- Karol G
My songs are a reflection of how I think and how I feel at that moment. But I’m conscious of the fact that artists have a responsibility before the masses and they have to take care of their words. - Shakira
You know you're a success when you look at your kids and realize they turned out better than you. — Joe Biden