
Feed and strengthen your body. Fear is physical. When you lift weights or go for a sprint, that energy flows back into your body and restores you to certainty.

More Quotes by Tony Robbins
Any Idiot can point out a problem . A leader is willing to do something about it! Leaders solve problems!
The ultimate success formula: I) Decide what you want (Be precise! Clarity is power) II) Take action (because desire is not enough) III) Notice what's working or not (You don't want to continue to expend energy on an approach that's worthless IV) Change your approach until you achieve what you want (Flexibility gives you the power to create a new approach and a new result.
As we develop new beliefs about who we are, our behavior will change to support the new identity.
If you want to take the island, then burn your boats. With absolute commitment come the insights that create real victory.
The only thing keeping you from what you want is your story about why you can't have it.
The secret of success is learning how to use pain and pleasure instead of having pain and pleasure use you. If you do that, you're in control of your life. If you don't, life controls you.
Its not about the goal. Its about growing to become the person that can accomplish that goal.
Everything happens for a reason and a purpose, and it serves you.
No one's life is a smooth sail; we all come into stormy weather. But it's this adversity - and more specifically our resilience - that makes us strong and successful.
Life is a gift, and it offers us the privilege, opportunity, and responsibility to give something back by becoming more.