
I'm not out burning bras, but I'm very opinionated about women owning their power.

More Quotes by Katherine Heigl
People make mistakes - they say things they shouldn't have or didn't necessarily mean. But I strongly believe in consequences. If there are none, someone might feel like they've gotten away with something, or that what they said couldn't have been that bad.
I'm a sappy mom now. I didn't think I would be. I thought I'd be a cool mom who keeps everything in perspective.
I'm terrible with my workout regime and following it strictly. I'm terrible with a healthy diet and following it strictly. I'm terrible on the weekends about getting up at reasonable hours and all of those things. But, when it comes to my work and the discipline it takes to get to work on time - I hate unprofessionalism.
Even if you plan a marriage and a family, you are never quite prepared for the reality versus how you imagined it. In a lot of ways it's better, and in a lot of ways it's worse. That's life, right?
I'm grateful people think I'm beautiful or sexy, and I suppose it's better than the alternative, but I do try to fight it a bit so it's not all people see me as. And I'd love to one day be in a position where I could choose a role to showcase my creativity versus just my bra size.
The more you want it [romantic relationship], the more you are looking for it, the more you repel it for whatever reason. I don't know why. If you kind of create this vacuum, let life take its course, then you tend to free yourself up for the unexpected.
I never would rule out a great character or a great story. I don't care what the forum is. If I get to tell a story that I'm excited about, I'm in.
It's more fun to think that there are other worlds.
I don't have a lot of discipline.
I want to stay in the moment and enjoy the great things that are happening.