
When you have a special gift you don’t realize it because you think everyone else has the same gift.

More Quotes by Michael Jackson
Never rush an emotion; everything in life has a rhythm, it is the pauses and silences that speak the truth.
Please go for your dreams. Whatever your ideals, you can become whatever you want to become.
I will say again that I have never, and would never, harm a child. It sickens me that people have written untrue things about me.
If you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself, and make a change.
Success definitely brings on loneliness. People think you're lucky, that you have everything. They think you can go anywhere and do anything, but that's not the point. One hungers for the basic stuff.
Music is the soundtrack to life. It plays the melody of our being.
I love the whole world of dance, because dancing is really the emotions through bodily movement. And however you feel, you just bring out the inner feeling through your mood...people don't think about the importance of it.
I'm happy to be alive, I'm happy to be who I am.
The meaning of life is contained in every single expression of life. It is present in the infinity of forms and phenomena that exist in all of creation.
If you came to see the truth, the purity, it's here inside a lonely heart.