
Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible.’ — Audrey Hepburn

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Kindness is one thing you can’t give away. It always comes back. — George Skolsky
It always seems impossible until it's done. — Nelson Mandela
It’s kind of fun to do the impossible. ― Walt Disney
A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself. – Joseph Campbell
So Bush certainly wasn't the greatest, and Obama has not done the job. And he's created a lot of disincentive. He's created a lot of great dissatisfaction. Regulations and regulatory is going through the roof. It's almost impossible to get anything done in the country.- Donald Trump
The vast majority of us are slaves to our minds. Most don’t even make the first effort when it comes to mastering their thought process because it’s a never-ending chore and impossible to get right every time. ― David Goggins
Positive anything is better than negative nothing. – Elbert Hubbard
Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results. – Willie Nelson
You must find the place inside yourself where nothing is impossible - Deepak Chopra
Everything must be made as simple as possible. But not simpler. ― Albert Einstein