
Shift your Energy and Efforts from Uncontrollable to Controllable! ― m.r-Monnika.Rana

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Tho money short or health does wane, We never bow our heads in shame. Let grace and kindness rule your mood, and never sit around and brood. Be thankful for each day we know, and hidden gifts will always flow. ― Andrew Pacholyk, Lead Us To A Place: Your Spiritual Journey Through Life's
Any day above ground is a good day. Before you complain about anything, be thankful for your life and the things that are still going well. ― Germany Kent
Positive energy is collective, integrative, expansion. Whereas negative energy (...) is simply that which disconnects, which segregates, which separates, which lowers energy, lowers frequency. Whereas Positive increases the frequency and allows us to see things more holistically. Whereas negative energy breaks things into parts that makes things a bit more challenging to manage.― Darryl Anka
Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out. ― Robert Collier
A disappointed is merely an assignment for your next appointment.― Kayambila Mpulamasaka
The world needs huge positive energy to fight against the negative forces. Go to the center of your inner begin and generate that positive energy for the welfare of the humanity. ― Amit Ray, World Peace: The Voice of a Mountain Bird
Emily was a hero. Courageous and clearheaded, defiant and unapologetic, a figure of truth and power. In this person, I did not yet see myself. ― Chanel Miller, Know My Name
Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out. — Robert Collier
Conveying apology and seeking forgiveness stems from a place of love and generates positive energy, for ourselves and also for the person who was hurt ― Nozer Kanga, Living with Consciousness: Everyday Inspirations for Spiritual Growth and Personal Fulfillment
Your positive energy and warm vibes are like the sunrays on a cold, winter morning. ― Avijeet Das