
By the cross we, too, are crucified with Christ; but alive in Christ. We are no more rebels, but servants; no more servants, but sons! _ Frederic Farrar

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Always strive to excel, but only on weekends. _ Richard Rorty
There is an enduring tenderness in the love of a mother to a son that trancends all other affections of the heart
Music always sounds better on Friday. _ Lou Brutus
It does not matter what your personal deficiency, or whether it be a hundred and one different things, God has always one sufficient answer, His Son Jesus Christ, and he is the answer to every need.
After we put my son to bed, my husband and I curl up and watch a movie or TV. That's when I finally put up my feet and have my glass of wine and a brownie.
It is the set of the sails, not the direction of the wind that determines which way we will go. _ Jim Rohn
Some people ask the secret of our long marriage. We take time to go to a restaurant two times a week. A little candlelight, dinner, soft music and dancing. She goes Tuesdays, I go Fridays. _ Henny Youngman
Happy Friday! You're responsible for the energy of your day. Remember, when you give off positive energy, you attract it ! Decide to be Happy:)! _ Tracey Edmonds
God looks at the anxious and says, I tore my Son to shreds for you, and you're afraid I will not give you what you need?
Fridays are the hardest in some ways: you’re so close to freedom. _ Lauren Oliver