
As women must be more empowered at work, men must be more empowered at home. -- Sheryl Sandberg

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The emerging woman ... will be strong-minded, strong-hearted, strong-souled, and strong-bodied...strength and beauty must go together.
It [feminism] is mixed up with a muddled idea that women are free when they serve their employers but slaves when they help their husbands. ― G.K. Chesterton
The older I grow, the more I am convinced that there is no education which one can get from books and costly apparatus that is equal to that which can be gotten from contact with great men and women. ― Booker T. Washington
Live life when you have it. Life is a splendid gift-there is nothing small about it.
Then they yelled at the ones that had stars at the start. We’re exactly like you! You can’t tell us apart. We’re all just the same, now, you snooty old smarties! And now we can go to your frankfurter parties. -- Dr. Seuss
Every achievement, big or small, begins in your mind.
Women have always been the strong ones of the world. The men are always seeking from women a little pillow to put their heads down on. They are always longing for the mother who held them as infants. — Coco Chanel
A truly equal world would be one where women ran half our countries and companies and men ran half our homes. -- Sheryl Sandberg
Their goal wasn’t to stand out because of their differences; it was to fit in because of their talent. -- Margot Lee Shetterly
Men are promoted based on potential, while women are promoted based on past accomplishments. -- Sheryl Sandberg