
As an entrepreneur, as an investor, I’m trying to be as educated as I can to where the progression of technological capability is going and what it does to these different categories that, me as an artist and an influencer, I can get involved and bring value. – Nipsey Hussle

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One of the commonest ailments of the present day is the premature formation of opinion.
The best thing you can do for a person is to inspire them. That’s the best currency you can offer—inspiration. – Nipsey Hussle
Be truthful with yourself and other people, and try your best to make decisions outside of your ego. – Nipsey Hussle
You learn in life that the only person you can really correct and change is yourself.
Control your time—use every minute wisely. – Nipsey Hussle
People, if you break down the music, you could find the truth. – Nipsey Hussle
The vocation of pastor has been replaced by the strategies of religious entrepreneurs with business plans.
Even as you make progress, you need the discipline to keep from backtracking and sabotaging the success as it’s happening. – Nipsey Hussle
Every step is like chess—the wrong move gets you killed. – Nipsey Hussle
It is far better to be exhausted from success than to be rested from failure.