
He was really having a hard time with this. He was not a seductive kind of guy, and if he tried to be sexy, he was going to sound like Romeo, the porn version. ― Erin McCarthy

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His eyes twinkled mischievously as he gazed at me with that look that always made me melt: as if I were edible and he could barely restrain himself from taking a bite. ― Amy Plum
Sex had always been at the top of her favorite-things list, but this desire-this total, all-encompassing need-was something else entirely. ― Bella Andre
There is no female mind. The brain is not an organ of sex. As well speak of a female liver. ― Charlotte Perkins Gilman
He looked at me with such raw need that my heart skipped a beat. He licked his lips and slowly lowered his head to mine. Does it even matter if he only wants me for my blood? ― J.L. McCoy
Asking who's the 'man' and who's the 'woman' in a same-sex relationship is like asking which chopstick is the fork.
No self respecting woman should wish or work for the success of a party that ignores her sex.
Anyone who knows anything of history knows that great social changes are impossible without feminine upheaval. Social progress can be measured exactly by the social position of the fair sex, the ugly ones included.
There is something to me very softening in the presence of a woman, some strange influence, even if one is not in love with them, which I cannot at all account for, having no very high opinion of the sex. But yet, I always feel in better humor with myself and every thing else, if there is a woman within ken.
He was working that charm right now on the trainer who kneeled before him and touched his thigh as though it were the thigh of David, Michelangelo’s glorious statue come to life right here on court. ― A.G. Starling
I wasn't a sex symbol, I was a sex zombie.