
More Quotes by Katherine Heigl
Guys are kind of retarded until they're about 30.
My mother is a realist, and she's had biological and adoptive children, and she said it's no different: No matter what, they're putting a stranger into your arms. You don't know them yet.
It's lame to say that I'm a normal girl, but I think I am.
I think it's better to find somebody who's worse at everything than you. It just makes you constantly feel so good about yourself. And then, you can constantly talk about how good you are at everything, and how terrible they are at everything.
I'm too lazy and I like food and I like my free time too much to spend it working out!
I love playing a smart, ambitious, talented woman. Who doesn't? That's really fun for me.
I want to stay in the moment and enjoy the great things that are happening.
Marriage is actually really terrifying. It doesn't work for many people.
I'm realising now that I can't just blurt things out.
Even if you plan a marriage and a family, you are never quite prepared for the reality versus how you imagined it. In a lot of ways it's better, and in a lot of ways it's worse. That's life, right?