
Parents teach in the toughest school in the word: The School for Making People. You are the board of education, the principal, theclassroom teacher, and the janitor, all rolled into two. . . . There are few schools to train you for your job, and there is no general agreement on the curriculum. . . . You are on duty, or at least on call, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, for at least 18 years for each child you have. Besides that, you have to contend with an administration that has two leaders or bosses, whichever the case may be.

More Quotes by Virginia Satir
I am me and I am okay.
We need to see ourselves as basic miracles.
You have all played a significant part in my development of loving. As a result, my life has been rich and full, so I leave feeling very grateful.
What lingers from the parent's individual past, unresolved or incomplete, often becomes part of her or his irrational parenting.
Your responses to the events of life are more important than the events themselves.
We can learn something new anytime we believe we can.
There are five freedoms: The freedom to see and hear what is; The freedom to say what you feel and think; The freedom to feel what you actually feel; The freedom to ask for what you want; The freedom to take risks on your own behalf.
It is now clear to me that the family is a microcosm of the world. To understand the world, we can study the family: issues such as power, intimacy, autonomy, trust, and communication skills are vital parts underlying how we live in the world. To change the world is to change the family.
Life is not what it's supposed to be. It's what it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.
Parents teach in the toughest school in the world - The School for Making People. You are the board of education, the principal, the classroom teacher, and the janitor.