
You are like a candle. Imagine you are sending light out all around you. All your words, thoughts and actions are going in many directions. If you say something kind, your kind words go in many directions, and you yourself go with them. We are ...transforming and continuing in a different form at every moment.

More Quotes by Thich Nhat Hanh (Thích Nhất Hạnh)
At any moment, you have a choice, that either leads you closer to your spirit or further away from it.
Today is the most important day of our lives.
Breathing in, I am aware that I am breathing in. Breathing out, I am aware that I am breathing out. Breathing in, I am grateful for this moment. Breathing out, I smile. Breathing in, I am aware of the preciousness of this day. Breathing out, I vow to live deeply in this day.
Anxiety, the illness of our time, comes primarily from our inability to dwell in the present moment.
No one is more worthy of your kindness and compassion than you are.
Because you are alive, everything is possible.
People usually consider walking on water or in thin air a miracle. But I think the real miracle is not to walk either on water or in thin air, but to walk on earth. Every day we are engaged in a miracle which we don't even recognize: a blue sky, white clouds, green leaves, the black, curious eyes of a child -- our own two eyes. All is a miracle.
You must love in such a way that the person you love feels free.
Choose to be in touch with what is wonderful, refreshing, and healing within yourself and around you.
The Buddha said, 'Nothing can survive without food.' This is a very simple and very deep truth. Love and hate are both living phenomena. If we do not nourish our love, it will die and may turn into hate. If we want love to last, we have to nurture it and give it food every day. Hate is the same; if we don't feed it, it cannot survive.