More Quotes by Ken Keyes Jr.
Acceptance doesn't mean that you've resigned yourself to live the rest of your life with a particular person, or in a particular situation. It just means that you won't cause yourself emotional discomfort because of the way things are in this moment.
There is nothing that you can do to change the present moment. It simply is. You may be able to change the situation one second, one minute, one hour, or one day from now, but there's absolutely nothing you can do to change the way things are right here and now. By not getting irritated you will be more effective in doing what needs to be done to change the situation for the next moment.
Whenever you're unhappy, your emotions are telling you that the people or things around you are not conforming to your vision of the world, or the way you think things should be.
I welcome the opportunity (even if painful) that my minute to minute experience offers me to become aware of the addictions I must reprogram to be liberated from my robot-like emotional patterns.
Conscious people always have a choice of whether to try to modify the actions of people around them or to change their response to the incoming stimuli.
Giving up an addiction means re-programming that part of your brain that makes you restless and unhappy if a desire is not realized.
Happiness is experienced when your life gives you what you are willing to accept.
The love and peace of higher consciousness flow from just being - and enjoying it all. Anything you do will not be enough unless you feel fulfilled in just being. Usually we are not happy when we find doing whatever it is that we think we have to do. Doing creates expectations that your world and the people around you may or may not fit. The things we do disappear in time. We must learn to appreciate just being alive in the nowness of whatever situation we are in.
You add to the suffering in the world when you take offense, just as much as you do when you give offense.
It is only your mental habits and your selected memories of how you think things are that keep you from moulding things in your life in a more harmonious way.