
I welcome the opportunity (even if painful) that my minute to minute experience offers me to become aware of the addictions I must reprogram to be liberated from my robot-like emotional patterns.

More Quotes by Ken Keyes Jr.
As the watcher of the screen, you are perfect. The movie that is playing on the screen might be horrendous, but you are not the movie. You are what is watching the movie.
As we grow in higher consciousness, we discover that it is more important to be the right person then to find the right person.
You add to the suffering in the world when you take offense, just as much as you do when you give offense.
It is only your mental habits and your selected memories of how you think things are that keep you from moulding things in your life in a more harmonious way.
The past is dead; The future is imaginary; Happiness can only be in the Eternal Now Moment.
You always have enough to be happy. It's the patterns in your head that make you unhappy.
By fully tuning in to the now moment in your life, you will discover that you always have enough to enjoy every moment of your life. The only reason you have not been happy every instant is that you have been dominating your consciousness with thoughts about something you don't have- or trying to hold on to something that you do have but which is no longer appropriate in the present flow of your life.
The only real problem in your life is how you're using your mind.
By tuning in to the ocean of loving energy around you, you can have far more security, enjoyable sensations, effectiveness, and love than you would ever need in order to live a continuously beautiful life.
Acceptance doesn't mean that you've resigned yourself to live the rest of your life with a particular person, or in a particular situation. It just means that you won't cause yourself emotional discomfort because of the way things are in this moment.