
To be upset over what you don't have is to waste what you do have.

More Quotes by Ken Keyes Jr.
I have everything I need to enjoy my here and now - unless I am letting my consciousness be dominated by demands and expectations based on the dead past or the imagined future.
Everything is a gift of the universe -even joy, anger, jealously, frustration, or separateness. Everything is perfect either for our growth or our enjoyment.
Giving up an addiction means re-programming that part of your brain that makes you restless and unhappy if a desire is not realized.
Life goes by rapidly. Don't delay. Don't put it off. Don't wait until you have some spare time. Don't wait until the time's 'right'.
You stop viewing yourself as being "pushed around" by the world when you realize that only you can "push" yourself. To quote Buddha: "Nothing is upsetting you. You get upset because you are upsettable."
If you want those around you to act in a more loving and conscious manner, act in a way that helps them to do so.
By tuning in to the ocean of loving energy around you, you can have far more security, enjoyable sensations, effectiveness, and love than you would ever need in order to live a continuously beautiful life.
The only real problem in your life is how you're using your mind.
The love and peace of higher consciousness flow from just being - and enjoying it all. Anything you do will not be enough unless you feel fulfilled in just being. Usually we are not happy when we find doing whatever it is that we think we have to do. Doing creates expectations that your world and the people around you may or may not fit. The things we do disappear in time. We must learn to appreciate just being alive in the nowness of whatever situation we are in.
You should always be aware that your head creates your world.