
Funny to think that every day you have ever lived is a yesterday, and you will never live one single tomorrow. But then again, every day is a today when you’re living it. ― Mik Everett

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The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.
What sane person could live in this world and not be crazy?
But we are living in a sceptical and, if I may use the phrase, a thought-tormented age: and sometimes I fear that this new generation, educated or hyper-educated as it is, will lack those qualities of humanity, of hospitality, of kindly humour which belonged to an older day.
I hope they have ghost insurance.” “Pretty sure you've used that joke before,” Stacey told me. “Well, maybe Jacob hadn't heard it yet.” “I have,” Jacob said. ― J.L. Bryan
Some tortures are physical And some are mental, But the one that is both Is dental.
Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!
After creating the heaven, the earth, the ocean, and the entire animal kingdom, God created Adam and Eve. And the first thing He said to them was "Don't.
I have an idea that the phrase weaker sex was coined by some woman to disarm some man she was preparing to overwhelm.
You say those city boys living in those high rise condos only left you feeling low. – Morgan Wallen
Old is always fifteen years from now.