
There's no need to wait for the bad things and bullshit to be over. Change now. Love now. Live now. Don't wait for people to give you permission to live, because they won't.

More Quotes by Kris Carr
No matter how you feel, you made progress today.
Life has a much bigger plan for you. Happiness is part of that plan. Health is part of that plan. Stability is part of that plan. Constant struggle is not.
Love is healing. Love is comforting. Love is holy. Food can be all those things, too.
Your self-worth has nothing to do with your craft or calling, and everything to do with how you treat yourself.
If your meals consistently revolve around corpse multiple times daily, you might become one sooner than you planned.
Cancer has changed, and so have I. Life goes on, even becomes normal again. I refused to let cancer wreck my party. There are just too many cool things to do and plan and live for.
If it has a shelf life longer than you, don't eat it.
Above all, cancer is a spiritual practice that teaches me about faith and resilience.
It’s not about finding your voice, it’s about giving yourself permission to use your voice.
Trust is a core currency of any relationship. Sometimes our need to control and micromanage everything erodes our confidence in ourselves and others. The truth: People are much more capable than we think. A hearty dose of trust is often what's needed to unlock the magic. Go ahead, have faith.