
More Quotes by Ogden Nash
I believe that people believe what they believe they believe.
I would live all my life in nonchalance and insouciance, were it not for making living, which is rather a nouciance.
Among other things I think humor is a shield, a weapon, a survival kit. So here we are several billion of us, crowded into our global concentration camp for the duration. How are we to survive? Solemnity is not the answer, any more than witless and irresponsible frivolity is. I think our best chance lies in humor, which in this case means a wry acceptance of our predicament. We don't have to like it but we can at least recognize its ridiculous aspects, one of which is ourselves.
Candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker.
Too much Chablis can make you whablis.
Some tortures are physical And some are mental, But the one that is both Is dental.
If some confectioners were willing To let the shape announce the filling, We'd encounter fewer assorted chocs, Bitten into and returned to the box.
The camel has a single hump, The dromedary, two; Or else the other way around; I'm never sure. Are you?
The truth I do not stretch or shove When I state the dog is full of love. I've also proved, by actual test, A wet dog is the lovingest.
The trouble with a kitten is that eventually it becomes a cat.